Dóra Drexler

Landscape Architect, Managing Director the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
About the speaker
Dóra Drexler is Managing Director of ÖMKi, the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, and vice-president of IFOAM Organics Europe (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements). She is trained as a landscape planner and a plant protection engineer, she acquired her PhD at the Department of Landscape Ecology at the Technical University Munich. Starting with 2010, she worked at the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). Since 2011 she directs the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi).

She was awarded honorary associate professorship by the University of Debrecen and received the Péter Sárközy memorial medal for achievements in advancing organic agriculture in Hungary. She has three children, and according to her colleagues ÖMKi is the fourth one.

Agriculture's Influence on the Vernacular Landscape: The Role of Organic Farming

The vernacular landscape, characterized by its traditional and regional land use forms and architectural styles, is intrinsically shaped by agricultural practices. This presentation explores how historical and contemporary agricultural methods have influenced the aesthetic, structural, and cultural aspects of rural landscapes. By examining selected case studies, we highlight the symbiotic relationship between farming practices and the development of our landscape perceptions.
In the early 20th century organic agriculture has emerged as a significant movement, advocating for sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. This presentation delves into the potential of organic agriculture to further shape the vernacular landscape. We discuss how organic farming principles, such as biodiversity, soil health, and minimal use of synthetic inputs, contribute to the development of new vernacular landscapes and the reinforcement of cultural heritage.
Through a combination of historic and contemporary examples, and projections for future developments, this presentation aims to provide a better understanding of the dynamic interplay between agriculture and the vernacular landscape. It underscores the role that organic agriculture can play in fostering sustainable farming practices while providing a new aesthetic integrity of rural environments.


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